Direct Flights to Punta Cana: Airlines, Flight Duration & Contact Info


Direct Flights to Punta Cana

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Below are links to live flight information, perfect for tracking the departure time of your flight or coordinating a pickup. On the day of travel, it’s helpful to check for any changes or delays to stay informed!

Flights arriving today: International arrivals today.

Flights departing today: International departures today.

Direct Inbound Flights to Punta Cana, Flight Duration and Airline / Travel organisation

City/Country of Departure                                  Flight Duration              Airline / Travel organisation

Amsterdam, Netherlands 10h 25m Arkefly
Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda 1h 20m British Airways
Atlanta, USA 3h 25m Delta, AirTran
Barquisimeto, Venezuela 3h 10m Avior
Berlin, Germany 10h 20m Airberlin
Bogota, Colombia 2h 55m Avianca, COPA
Boston, USA 4h 0m JetBlue, US Airways
Brussels, Belgium 9h 15m Jetairfly
Buenos Aires, Argentina 7h 50m Lan Argentina
Calgary, Canada 6h 35m Air Transat
Caracas, Venezuela 1h 40m Gol
Charlotte, USA 3h 35m US Airways
Chicago, USA (CHI) 4h 30m AirTran, Frontier, United
Chicago, USA (RFD) 4h 30m Frontier
Cincinnati, USA 3h 55m Delta, Frontier
Cleveland, USA 4h 15m Frontier
Detroit, USA 4h 20m Delta
Dusseldorf, Germany 9h 40m Airberlin
Edmonton, Canada 6h 40m Air Transat
Frankfurt, Germany 10h 0m Condor
Halifax, Canada 4h 20m Air Transat, WestJet, Air Canada
Hamburg, Germany 10h 25m TUIfly
Lima, Peru 5h 5m LAN
Lyon, France 9h 15m XL France
Madrid, Spain 9h 55m Pullmantur Air, Air Europa
Marseille, France 9h 45m XL France
Miami, USA 2h 15m American, Lan Argentina, LAN
Minneapolis, USA 4h 55m Sun Country, Delta
Montreal, Canada 4h 25m Air Transat, Air Canada, Sunwing,
Moscow, Russia 12h 0m Transaero, Aeroflot
Munich, Germany 10h 30m Airberlin, Condor
Nantes, France 8h 55m XL France
New York, USA 3h 55m JetBlue, United, Delta
Ottawa, Canada 4h 20m WestJet, Air Canada
Panama 2h 30m COPA
Paris, France 9h 10m Air France, XL France, Corsair
Philadelphia, USA 3h 55m US Airways, Frontier
Pittsburgh, USA 3h 50m Delta
Quebec, Canada 4h 20m Air Transat
Saint Petersburg, Russia 11h 20m Transaero
San Juan, Puerto Rico 55m JetBlue, Seaborne Airlines
Santiago, Chile 8h 0m LAN
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 45m Jetairfly
St. John’s, Canada 5h 35m WestJet
St. Louis, USA 4h 15m Frontier
Toronto, Canada (YHM) 4h 5m WestJet
Toronto, Canada (YTO) 4h 15m Sunwing, Air Canada, Air Transat
Toulouse, France 9h 10m XL France
Vienna, Austria 11h 5m Condor
Washington, USA 3h 40m AirTran, United
Zurich, Switzerland 10h 5m Swiss

Airlines with incoming flights to Punta Cana Airport

Airport La Romana with plane
Airport – modern facilities

Travelers from around the world flock to this destination, with numerous international airlines offering affordable, direct flights to its airport. Major carriers like Air Canada, American Airlines, British Airways, Delta, JetBlue, KLM, Spirit, United, US Airways, and WestJet make reaching this paradise easier than ever. Canadian charter airlines, including Air Transat, Sunwing, and Canjet, also provide convenient direct flights, especially during the chilly Canadian winters, ensuring easy and budget-friendly travel options.

Contact Details of Airlines offices in Punta Cana

Airlines                                                                            Contact Details

AIR BERLIN tel icon 809-586-4075
AIR CANADA Mexico: 1-888-760-0020, tel icon 809-959-0200
AIR EUROPA tel icon 809-683-8020, tel icon 809-959-0035
AIR FRANCE tel icon 809-686-8432
AIR PULLMANTUR tel icon 809-688-0984
AIR TRANSAT tel icon 809-552-0666, tel icon 809-796-4562
AMERICAN AIRLINES / AMERICAN EAGLE tel icon 1-200-5151, tel icon 809-959-2420
ARKEFLY tel icon 809-753-7111
ASERCA tel icon 809-549-0212, tel icon 809-959-4293
AVIANCA tel icon 809-796-7540,tel icon 809-959-2002
BRITISH AIRWAYS tel icon 1-800-247-9297
CANJET AIRLINES tel icon 809-552-0900
CONDOR / LANARGENTINA / LANCHILE / LANPERU tel icon 809-689-2221/2116, tel icon 809-959-0144
CONTINENTAL tel icon 809-200-1062 tel icon 809-959-2039
COPA AIRLINES tel icon 809-200-2772, tel icon 809-959-8021
CORSAIRFLY tel icon 809-959-1869
DELTA AIRLINES tel icon 1-809-200-9191, tel icon 809-959-2009
EDELWEISS AIR tel icon 809-959-0103
EXPRESS JET Visa Tour Operator
IBERWORLD tel icon 809-747-9389
JETAIRFLY tel icon 809-959-0028,tel icon 809-468-7100
JETBLUE tel icon 809-959-1490, 1-809-200-9898
SPIRIT AIRLINES tel icon 809-381-2003
THOMAS COOK tel icon 809-757-8132
TRANSAERO tel icon 829-961-5011
US AIRWAYS tel icon 809-959-0064
USA 3000 tel icon 809-221-6626
WEST JET AIRLINES tel icon 809-959-0028
WHITE AIRWAYS Visa Tour Operator
XL AIRWAYS FRANCE tel icon 809-959-1869

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Author: Puntacanabiz

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